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| | An-Namal | Pre Ayat ← 16 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 2. History of Solomon | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:And Solomon succeeded David, and he said, "O people, we have been taught the speech of the birds, and we have been granted all sorts of things. This is indeed a great favor (of Allah)."
Translit: Wawaritha sulaymanu dawooda waqala ya ayyuha alnnasu AAullimna mantiqa alttayri waooteena min kulli shayin inna hatha lahuwa alfadlu almubeenu
0 wawarithaWawaritha
1 sulaymanusulaymanu
2 dawoodadawuwda
3 waqalaqa
4 ya | يَا | O, oh |vocative and exclamatory particle| Combined Particles ya
5 ayyuha | أَيُّهَا | which one she Combined Particles ayyuha
6 alnnasualnnasu
7 AAullimna`ullimna
8 mantiqamantiqa
9 alttayrialttayri
10 waooteenauwtiy
11 min | مِنْ | of, some, from, away from |prep.| Combined Particles min
12 kulli | كُلِّ | totality, entirety; everyone, each one Combined Particles kulli
13 shayinshayin
14 inna | إِنَّ | verily Combined Particles inna
15 hatha | هَـٰذَا | this, this one; (masc., single) |demonstrative pron.| Combined Particles hatha
16 lahuwa | لَهُوَ | | | | but | he | Subject Pronoun hu
17 alfadlualfadlu
18 almubeenualmubiynu